Thursday, October 6, 2011

Baby Painting with DIY edible paint @ Kathie's place

What a day! Our little ones had a great time today with our DIY edible paint. It was interesting to see how they approach those vibrant colours right in front of them.

Alistair started off being very cautious and didn't seem want to get too much involved. He soon found the texture of the paint quite interesting, so he poured the red paint all over the drawing paper smoothed the paint across the paper with his arms and legs! With Ali's bold use of paint, the drawing paper became very slippery and unfortunately he slipped a few times and got quite mad of himself for not being able to stand properly...poor darling! Ali was very quick and finished his artwork in just a few minutes!

Alistair the big boy getting ready for his great masterpiece!

yes!!! colours~~
Ali is in favour of red!
Liam is at the stage of putting everything into his mouth. As I gave him the sponge with some colours, the first thing he did, was to put it right into his mouth! Within seconds, he started to dive himself into the paint and was literally all over the drawing paper....made a real big mess, but that's the way it goes!

Liam the Crazy Artist

Can I eat them?

geez that was hardwork....
Eason, as gentle as he has always been, didn't make too much progress today on his own. However mummy Sylvia's drawn a beautiful rainbow with the sponge and helped Eason making some cute little footprints on the drawing paper. Don't forget to take some pictures and show us when you're done with your artwork!

Eason looking very curious

most gentle baby we've ever seen!

beautiful rainbow!!

Little Noah couldn't do much yet, as he was asleep most of the time..but never mind, he will complete his work at home (I hope?)! I think mummy will also have to take some pictures of Noah's complete work and show it to us next time!

Noah's grown soooo much!! well done mummy!

Noah's not interested in the painting...he wants milk!
Joanne and Emma arrived just as we were packing everything away, so they didn't get to join our painting session today. However, Emma caught up with her artwork today in the cafe restaurant and drew quite a lot of pictures! She even drew a picture of Liam! hm.....she's got the potential of being a abstractionist!

Emma catching up her artwork in Bookzone Cafe

This is Liam, so she tells me...

Emma's a true abstractionist I'd say...
Thank you all, for getting involved and made it a great day! See you next time!

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