Sunday, September 25, 2011

First Session 22/09/2011 - Making hand sanitizer

After our meeting in Miramar going through all the nitty gritties, we've decided to do all the activities suggested on the list! Thanks everyone for your support and show faith in what I can do! LOL

Our first session was held at Bookzone Cafe making hand sanitizers. It was great to see Stephanie attended our first session with little Noah who is just over one month old! 

Poor Nina was sick and could not participate this time, however Yoko the Scientist made Nina's hand sanitizers for her, so she was able to have her ones the next day - thanks to Yoko.

Linda had to skip this session unfortunately because Aidan had a fever. I hope Aidan is well recovered and jumping up and down by now! *hugs and kisses*

We all had a great time in our first session. We see talents shine through and so talented in this session requiring special assistance. Nevertheless it was a true enjoyable afternoon for all!

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